APSU Media
Taor A,
Use of complementary and alternative medicines, in favour of conventional medicines, can have fatal consequences in children, Australian researchers warn.
The Australian, Pulse, January 22, 2011
Gleeson R,
Babies risk brain damage: call for a national ban on mothballs containing naphthalene.
The University of Sydney News February 7 2011
Rouse R.
Babies benefitting from increased herd immunity.
Medical Observer. March 8, 2011
Tarnow-Mordi W, Evans N, Lui K, Darlow B, on behalf of the Advisory Committee of the Australian and New Zealand Neonatal Network.
Risk of brain damage in babies from naphthalene in mothballs: call to consider a national ban.
Medical Journal of Australia, letters, 194(3):150
Thompson A.
A snap decision puts little Sarah on Centre Stage.
Illawarra Mercury. 2011 May 7
Lyons J.
Rare diseases - bringing it all together.
Medical Observer. 2011 May 17
MacIntosh P.
Byron Bay Journalist Jane Hansen reports the APSU investigated eating disorders in children.
Mornings with Pam Macintosh. ABC North Coast, Lismore May 24, 2011
McSweeny L.
Infant risk from maternal HSV-1 (Professor Cheryl Jones).
Medical Observer. June 2 2011
O’Brien M.
Foundation aims to hit rare diseases for six.
Medical Observer. 7 June 2011
Kenny, K.
Duo wins top professional award. (The Royal Australasian College of Physicians awards the John Sands Medal to Elizabeth Elliott.)
The University of Sydney News 8 June 2011
Kaye B.
Costing Lives - The Price of Orphan Drugs (Elizabeth Elliott).
Medical Observer. June 10 2011
Doctors urge screenings to prevent cytomegalovirus spread (Elizabeth Elliott).
ABC News. June 19 2011
Tasker B.
Clinic to target baby alcohol disorders (Elizabeth Elliott).
Sydney Morning Herald. June 20 2011
Clinic to target baby alcohol disorders (Elizabeth Elliott)
The Australian. 20 June 2011
Nowland D.
Australia lagging in foetal alcohol research.
ABC News. Jun 20, 2011
Rouse R, AAP
Clinic set to tackle fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
Medical Observer. Jun 28 2011
Koff E.
ARC Linkage Grant (APSU)
Chief Executive Update, Children's Hospital at Westmead.June 28 2011.
Fitzgerald D.
The need for surveillance
Medical Observer. Opinion. April 19 2011
Woods K.
Cytomegalovirus: the unknown danger (Cheryl Jones).
Medical Observer. July 22, 2011.
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